
A doua editie a evenimentului P&G Open Day

Dragi studenti,

Ne bucurăm să vă anunțăm că anul acesta vom organiza a doua ediție a evenimentului P&G Open Day în data de 14 aprilie 2022.

Evenimentul este adresat studenților din anul 3 – licență. Aceștia vor avea ocazia să interacționeze cu profesioniștii din P&G și să învețe mai multe despre cum funcționează o companie FMCG. Toate sesiunile se vor desfășura în limba engleză.

P&G is ready to open its doors for a full-day event, where you will be able to experience the thrill of the FMCG industry!

This one-day event is designed to take you on a 360” P&G decision-making process and show you what it takes to: understand business background, analyze data, take action and communicate effectively, all during a context of crisis!

You’ll also get to learn more about the culture, structure, and best practices within P&G, as well as the career opportunities and training we provide. We’re passionate about our people’s growth, so we provide you with access to unparalleled business insights that will set the foundations of your long-term strategic thinking

WHEN? April 14th, 2022

HOW DO I ENROL? Fill in the form: Open Day Romania ( before April 7!

Agenda evenimentului

Morning session

  • Speaker P&G Antoine Brun – General Manager P&G SEE
  • Speaker P&G Tuba Bastan – CFO P&G SEE

Afternoon session

  • Business Analysis – Case Study – from numbers to insights using Power BI
  • Effective Communication – how to go take the insights and communicate effectively (reference to the case study)
  • Working in P&G – Job Opportunities
  • Sharing experience – fresh ASE graduates working in P&G talking openly with students, answering questions