
Siemens Energy – Hackathon iulie 2023

Dragi studenti,

Partenerul facultatii noastre Siemens Energy  va sustine un eveniment la sediul societatii, situat la One Cotroceni Park, in data de 11 iulie 2023. Evenimentul este de tip Hackathon,  participantii sunt invitati sa se  inscrie pe site. Acestia vor petrece  o zi cu managementul din Germania (care va fi insotit de IT Head of Europe) si in plus vor fi organizate o serie de aplicatii si teste pe care participantii le vor parcurge impreuna, asistati de specialistii Siemens Energy.


In urma testarilor, vor fi alesi 3 castigatori, ce vor fi premiati  cu vouchere.


Rewards and Evaluation Criteria

A total of €4,000.00 in rewards will be granted, distributed as follows:

  • First prize: €2,500.00
  • Second prize: €1,000.00
  • Third prize: €500.00


Evenimentul se adreseaza atat studentilor/ absolventilor cat si candidatilor middle si seniori.



Pentru inscriere, candidatii pot accesa link-ul de mai jos:


Calling talented developers! We want YOU to shape the digital future of Siemens  Energy! We’re searching for the best-in-class coders to take on our Code Challenge on July 11th at 10 am in Cotroceni Park, Bucharest. Don’t miss your chance to win a global contract in our dynamic software development team and grab amazing prizes! Sign up now and find out more at

#SiemensEnergyCodeChallenge #ShapingDigitalFuture


Attention developers! Don’t miss the Siemens Energy CodeChallenge on July 11th at 10 am in Cotroceni Park, Bucharest. Compete in our Code Challenge, and get a chance to win a global contract and fantastic prizes. We want YOU to shape the digital future of Siemens  Energy! Sign up now at

#SiemensEnergyCodeChallenge #ShapingDigitalFuture