
Evenimentul P&G Open Day – Shopper Pshychology

Detaliile evenimentului P&G Open Day pe care il organizam si unde ne-am bucura sa avem si studenti de la Cibernetica:

Locatie: sediul P&G (Dimitrie Pompeiu 9-9A, Bucuresti) + vizita intr-un hypermarket in a doua parte a zilei

Data: joi, 8 decembrie 2022, evenimentul va dura o zi intreaga si promitem sa fie foarte interesant 😊

Tema: Shopper Pshychology – sau o punte intre consumatori si vanzari; In cadrul evenimentului studentii vor avea ocazia să interacționeze cu profesioniștii din P&G și să învețe mai multe despre cum funcționează o companie FMCG.

Studenții se pot înscrie până pe 2 decembrie.


Anunt & Detalii inscriere (aveti si atasate cateva poze):

P&G Open Day – Shopper Pshychology, a bridge between consumer and business

Dec 8th 2022

P&G is ready to open its doors for a full-day event inside P&G Office and out, for you to truly experience the real FMCG industry!

This event is designed to take you through a 360” P&G decision-making process and show you what it takes to:

  • understand consumer insights
  • translate them into a perfect shopping experience
  • and by using the above, how P&G Sales Experts build the business development & strategy plan

You’ll also get to learn more about P&G’s culture, structure and best practices, as well as career opportunities and trainings we provide.

We’re passionate about our people’s growth, so we give you access to unparalleled business insights that will set the foundations of your long-term strategic thinking.


December 8th, 2022, 9:30am (Bucharest time)


Access the link and complete the form with your personal details before December 2nd. We will be in touch soon with more details on how to join the session.